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Class Raising Hands

Information About The Special Offer

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are excited to announce an exclusive online group tutoring offer for 11 plus, GCSE Maths and GCSE English students, which has been ongoing since Saturday 23rd September 2023.


Further to parents' enquiries, we can now expand to tutoring year 8 and 9 students transitioning to GCSEs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school. To support your child's academic journey, we offer the first month of lessons at half-price! 


Lesson Timings:

  • 11 Plus Lessons:                  Saturdays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

  • ​Year 8/9 Maths lessons:       Tuesdays, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (GCSE transition)

  • ​Year 8/9 English lessons:     Wednesdays, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (GCSE transition)

  • GCSE Maths Lessons:         Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • GCSE English Lessons:       Saturdays, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM



About the offer:

We understand that every child's educational needs are unique, and we aim to provide tailored guidance and support. At Tutoring With Excellence, we are committed to helping your child succeed. Education is a collaborative effort, and we encourage parents to actively participate in their child's learning journey.


During this initial month of half-priced lessons, all students are highly encouraged to attend every session. We value your input and encourage you to provide honest and constructive feedback after each lesson. Your feedback will help us adapt our teaching methods to suit your child's needs better.


Furthermore, if you find our tuition service valuable and beneficial to your child's academic progress, we kindly request that you leave a positive review about our service. Your reviews and testimonials motivate us and help other parents make informed decisions about their children's education.


Near the end of this initial month, we will contact you to discuss the future of your child's tutoring. We will consult with you regarding the cost and frequency of lessons if you wish to continue using the service.


We are dedicated to fostering a positive learning environment that promotes growth, confidence, and academic excellence. With your active involvement and our experienced tutors, we are confident that your child will achieve their academic goals.



Lesson expectations:

The lesson expectations are designed to create a productive and inclusive online learning environment. Following these rules will help both students and instructors have a successful and engaging experience during each lesson. Here's a breakdown of each expectation:


  1. Use Real Name on Zoom: This is for security and accountability reasons. Using your real name helps ensure that only authorised participants are in the session.

  2. Be Punctual: Being on time is crucial for making the most of the lesson. Arriving early or practising joining Zoom beforehand can help you avoid technical issues that might disrupt the session.

  3. Camera On: Keeping your camera on allows for better engagement and connection among participants. It's easier for the instructor to gauge your understanding and involvement when they can see you.

  4. Quiet Space: Finding a quiet and distraction-free environment is important to focus on the lesson content and participate actively without disruptions.

  5. Unmute Mic When Asked: Being willing to unmute your microphone when requested ensures that you can actively participate in discussions, answer questions, and engage with the instructor and other students.

  6. Complete Lesson Activities: Doing your best to complete all lesson activities shows your commitment to learning and contributes to your understanding of the subject matter.

  7. Active Engagement: Actively engaging with the lesson material, asking questions, and participating in discussions when requested enhances your learning experience and benefits the entire class.

  8. Provide Constructive Feedback: Your feedback is valuable for improving the quality of the lessons. Sharing your thoughts on what worked well and what could be improved helps the instructor make necessary adjustments.


By following these rules, you'll not only benefit personally from the lessons but also contribute to a positive and effective learning environment for everyone involved.



Closing remarks:​

Thank you for considering our tutoring service. We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you and your child. Check out the website's blog section for several informative articles, including '10 reasons to choose group tutoring over one-to-one tutoring'.  â€‹


To enrol your child in our online tutoring program (at a special 50% discount), please add your full name and email address to the 'Get Registration Details Now' section below and return the completed registration form to If you have any further questions, please contact us using the details below.



Yours truly,



Tutoring With Excellence


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