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Empowering Success: The Learn by Teaching Model for Parents of 11 Plus Students


The journey through the 11 Plus exams can be challenging and rewarding for parents and aspiring students. As you navigate this crucial phase, adopting effective learning strategies becomes paramount. This blog will explore the transformative "learn by teaching" model and how parents can use it to empower their 11 Plus students.


Young female study group
Study group

Understanding the Learn by Teaching Model:

The "learn by teaching" model is a dynamic learning strategy that involves students taking on the role of the teacher. By explaining concepts to others, they solidify their own understanding and identify areas that need further refinement.


Benefits of Learn by Teaching for 11 Plus Students:

  1. Deepens Understanding:

  • Teaching requires a comprehensive understanding of a topic. By explaining concepts to others, 11 Plus students deepen their understanding, enhancing their ability to tackle challenging questions.


2.     Enhances Communication Skills:

  • Articulating ideas effectively is a valuable skill. Learning by teaching develops your child's communication skills, enabling them to clearly express complex concepts—a crucial aspect of exam success.


3.     Boosts Confidence:

  • Successfully teaching a concept builds confidence. As students see their ability to explain complex topics, they become more assured in their knowledge, a quality that positively impacts exam performance.


4.     Identifies Knowledge Gaps:

  • Teaching often reveals gaps in understanding. By identifying these gaps, parents and students can tailor their study plans to address specific weaknesses, creating a more well-rounded approach to exam preparation.


How Parents Can Implement Learn by Teaching:

Parents and son studying together
Parents and son studying together

  1. Study Groups:

  • Form study groups with other 11 Plus students or siblings. Rotate the role of the teacher within the group, providing a collaborative environment for learning.


2.     Parent-Child Sessions:

  • Engage in teaching sessions with your child. Please encourage them to explain a topic they've studied and ask questions to prompt deeper exploration of the subject matter.


3.     Utilise Technology:

  • Leverage technology to record your child explaining concepts. This reinforces their learning and creates a valuable resource for later revision.


Tips for Successful Implementation:

  1. Encourage Patience:

  • Learning by teaching can be challenging initially. Encourage patience and persistence, reassuring your child that improvement comes with practice.


2.     Provide Constructive Feedback:

  • Offer constructive feedback on their teaching sessions. Highlight strengths and suggest areas for improvement, creating a positive and constructive learning environment.


3.     Celebrate Achievements:

  • Celebrate successes, no matter how small. Recognising achievements boosts motivation and reinforces that learning is a journey filled with milestones.



The “learn by teaching” model is a powerful tool in the arsenal of 11 Plus exam preparation. As parents, you play a vital role in facilitating this approach, whether through study groups, one-on-one sessions, or leveraging technology. By encouraging your child to teach, you enhance their understanding and instil valuable skills that will serve them well beyond the 11 Plus exams. Empower your child for success—let them learn by teaching!



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