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Navigating the Maze: Preparing for Problem-Solving Questions in the 11 Plus Exams


As your child gears up for the 11 Plus exams, it's essential to equip them with the skills to tackle problem-solving questions effectively. These questions, often found in the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections, can pose a challenge without proper preparation. This blog will explore strategies and tips to help your child excel in problem-solving and ace their 11 Plus exams.

Navigate the Maze
Navigate the Maze

Understanding Problem-Solving Questions:

Problem-solving questions in the 11 Plus exams assess a child's ability to think critically, analyse information, and apply logical reasoning skills to solve complex problems. These questions may involve sequences, patterns, analogies, and spatial reasoning. By mastering problem-solving techniques, your child can approach these questions with confidence and accuracy.


Developing Problem-Solving Skills:

To excel in problem-solving, your child should practice regularly and develop key skills such as:

  1. Critical Thinking: Encourage your child to analyse problems carefully, identify patterns or relationships, and consider multiple solutions before selecting the best one.

  2. Logical Reasoning: Help your child strengthen their logical reasoning skills by practising tasks that require sequencing, deduction, and inference.

  3. Spatial Awareness: Involve your child in exercises that enhance spatial awareness, such as puzzles, mazes, and shape manipulation exercises, to prepare them for questions involving spatial reasoning.

  4. Pattern Recognition: Train your child to recognise patterns and sequences in numbers, letters, shapes, and images, as many problem-solving questions in the 11 Plus exams rely on pattern recognition.


Preparing for Problem-Solving Questions:

Problem-Solving Question
Problem-Solving Question

Here are some practical tips to help your child prepare for problem-solving questions in the 11 Plus exams:

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice: Offer your child plenty of chances to practice solving problem-based questions through workbooks, online resources, and practice papers. Please encourage them to tackle various question types to build confidence and familiarity.

  2. Time Management: Teach your child effective time management strategies to allocate sufficient time to each question during the exam. Remind them to read each question carefully, avoid getting stuck on difficult questions, and revisit them if time permits.

  3. Review Mistakes: Encourage your child to review their mistakes and understand where they went wrong. Discuss future strategies for approaching similar questions to avoid repeating the same errors.

  4. Mock Exams: Conduct mock exams at home to simulate exam conditions. This will help your child familiarise with the exam format, build stamina, and practice applying problem-solving strategies under timed conditions.

  5. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive outlook and offer continual encouragement and support to your child as they progress through their preparation journey. Remind them that setbacks are a natural part of learning and encourage perseverance and resilience.



Preparing for problem-solving questions in the 11 Plus exams requires practice, patience, and perseverance. Your child can approach these questions with confidence and success by focusing on developing critical thinking, logical reasoning, and pattern recognition skills. With your guidance and support, they will be well-equipped to navigate the maze of problem-solving and excel in their 11 Plus exams.





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