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Optimising Learning: The Power of Chunking and Spacing for 11 Plus Success


As parents supporting your child's 11 Plus journey, you're likely exploring effective study strategies to enhance their learning experience. This blog will delve into the powerful techniques of chunking and spacing—methods that can significantly boost your child's retention, understanding, and performance in the challenging 11 Plus exams.

Chunking and spacing
Chunking and spacing

Understanding Chunking and Spacing:

  1. Chunking: Breaking it Down:

  • Chunking involves breaking down extensive information into smaller, manageable sections or "chunks." This method aids in processing information more efficiently and enhances your child's ability to absorb complex topics.


2.     Spacing: Distributed Learning Sessions:

  • Spacing, or distributed learning, involves spreading study sessions over time rather than cramming all at once. This technique allows your child's brain to revisit and reinforce information at intervals, promoting long-term retention.


Why Chunking and Spacing Work:

  1. Enhanced Focus and Comprehension:

  • Breaking down information into smaller chunks helps your child focus on specific details. This approach facilitates better comprehension, making grasping and remembering key concepts easier.


2.     Reduced Cognitive Load:

  • Chunking minimises cognitive load by presenting information in manageable portions. This prevents information overload and allows your child to process and retain knowledge more effectively.


3.     Long-Term Retention:

  • Spacing out study sessions over time enhances long-term retention. Regular revisiting of information strengthens memory recall, ensuring your child retains crucial concepts for the 11 Plus exams.


Practical Application for 11 Plus Preparation:

Putting chunking and spacing into practice
Putting chunking and spacing into practice

  1. Subject-Specific Chunking:

  • Apply chunking to specific subjects within the 11 Plus syllabus. Break down topics into smaller, thematic chunks, making it easier for your child to tackle one concept at a time.


2.     Create a Study Calendar:

  • Implement spacing by creating a study calendar. Plan study sessions across weeks, ensuring regular revisits to different subjects. This method optimises learning and reinforces understanding.


3.     Interactive Learning Resources:

  • Utilise interactive learning resources that incorporate chunking and spacing techniques. Educational apps and online platforms often design content in a way that aligns with these effective learning methods.


Incorporating Chunking and Spacing into Daily Routine:

  1. Consistent Review Sessions:

  • Schedule consistent review sessions for previously learned material. This practice aligns with spacing, reinforcing your child's understanding and preventing knowledge decay.


2.     Encourage Self-Testing:

  • Promote self-testing as part of the chunking and spacing approach. Periodic quizzes or flashcard sessions serve as effective tools for reinforcing learning and evaluating retention.



Incorporating chunking and spacing techniques into your child's 11 Plus preparation can yield remarkable results. By breaking down information into manageable chunks and spacing out study sessions, you optimise their learning experience and set the stage for long-term retention and success in the exams. As parents, your guidance in implementing these effective strategies empowers your child to navigate the challenges of the 11 Plus with confidence and proficiency. Remember, mastering chunking and spacing is not just about studying smarter—it's about creating a foundation for enduring academic success.




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