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Practising Leads to Progress: A Parent's Guide to 11 Plus Success


Embarking on the path to excel in the 11 Plus exams requires dedication, commitment, and a strategic approach. As parents, you play a pivotal role in guiding your child through this challenging but rewarding process. This blog explores the fundamental principle that practising leads to progress and understands how consistently practising is a key driver of success in the 11 Plus exams.

Parent and child practising kinaesthetic learning
Parent and child practising kinaesthetic learning

The Power of Practising:

  1. Repetition Reinforces Learning:

  • Regularly practising aids in the reinforcement of learned concepts. The more your child engages with the material, the more familiar and confident they become in their understanding.


2.     Building Stamina and Endurance:

  • The 11 Plus exams often involve timed assessments. Regularly practising under time constraints helps your child build the stamina and endurance needed to perform optimally during the exams.


3.     Identifying Weaknesses:

  • Practice reveals areas of strength and weakness. Regularly reviewing practice papers or questions allows you and your child to identify specific topics requiring additional attention and revision.


How Parents Can Facilitate Practising Effectively:

Parent providing a supportive environment
Parent providing a supportive environment

  1. Establish a Consistent Routine:

  • Set aside dedicated time for practising daily. Creating a routine fosters a feeling of organisation and discipline, promoting a positive study environment.


2.     Variety in Practice Materials:

  • Utilise a variety of practice materials, including past papers, sample questions, and online resources. This ensures exposure to different question types and formats, preparing your child for the diverse challenges of the exams.


3.     Provide a Supportive Environment:

  • Create a conducive and supportive environment for practice. Minimise distractions and encourage focused, uninterrupted study sessions.


Progress Tracking and Motivation:

  1. Monitor and Track Progress:

  • Keep track of your child's progress. Regularly review practise results together, celebrating achievements and discussing areas where improvement is needed.


2.     Set Realistic Goals:

  • Establish achievable goals for practising sessions. Setting realistic targets provides a sense of accomplishment and motivation, propelling your child forward in their preparation journey.


3.     Celebrate Effort and Persistence:

  • Emphasise the importance of effort and persistence. Acknowledge the hard work your child puts into their practising sessions, fostering a positive mindset and a strong work ethic.


Overcoming Challenges:

  1. Encourage a Growth Mindset:

  • Instil a growth mindset by emphasising that challenges and mistakes are opportunities for learning and improvement. This mindset promotes resilience and a positive approach to overcoming obstacles.



In the quest for success in the 11 Plus exams, practising leads to progress. As parents, your guidance in establishing a consistent practising routine, providing varied resources, and fostering a supportive environment significantly contributes to your child's preparedness. Celebrate the progress made through practising diligently and remember that each session is a step closer to success in the 11 Plus exams. With dedication and a strategic approach, your child can confidently stride towards achieving their goals.




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